
Easily applying jobs?

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I must choose 5 jobs a week each. it is required to some company I am working for. I would like something easy to apply and quick to go! They have something that is called "Easily applied job" I like it. do you have any sites with easily applied jobs?

Those are jobs that just take a second or few to apply. Not a long hour with too-many asking questions on applications .

Please don't post paid ad, paid career (I don't wanna pay for it. I don't care how cheap, I know there is free job site), I don't want indeed.com I already have it. You can do any disability jobs such as deaf.
  • Additional Details
  • ROB, you just don't understand. There are a lot different jobs , not simply ones that you had heard over again like college proffesor, schoolteacher, cop, resturant server, etc. There is an extend varties jobs....that pay million money within hours or year. That company I work for, only want know "quick applying jobs" . I can't explain the company or what it does. I don't mind you leaving because I only asked on yahoo answer for jobs not for you to asking abt my company. Thanks

  • Easily applying jobs?

