
Employer Forced Me To Volunteer?

  • top security companies
  • business security systems
  • employee insurance
  • employer liability insurance
  • latest quarterly result
I used to work at a diner for about 4 months, it was a program that offers a job for people who have mental illnesses. About 2 months working there they started to require their employees to work at least one Volunteer Day per week. We did not sign any contract agreeing to this whatsoever. If we were to miss a volunteer day; in result they would replace our work day with a volunteer day; in consequence leaving us employees without any pay.

I quit the diner about a month ago and i was just curious to know if they are violating any sort of law? Can I request them to pay me the money i should have made for each "volunteer day" I worked?

Employer Forced Me To Volunteer?

