
Whats better a display case that heats food or a plain one? I sell cupcakes!?

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Cupcakes are baked goods.

Those don't go bad at room temperature the way some other foods might, and therefore don't need to be heated for safety reasons. Also customers don't expect most baked goods to be hot the way they expect some other foods to be.

(For instance - nobody likes room temperature french fries, but everyone expects cupcakes to be room temperature).

Also, if you do keep baked goods hot, they will just become stale more quickly, and icing will melt. Both are bad things.

P.S. I find it hard to believe that someone who sells cupcakes didn't already know the answer!
  • Additional Details
  • im trying to save money I have a stand in the mall. if I use a heating display then I have to pay for electricity and I have to pay another worker right now I only have a baker and a cashier if I get the heating display I need a server

  • Whats better a display case that heats food or a plain one? I sell cupcakes!?

