
What does LLC mean in business ownership (please read)?

  • business intelligence company
  • purchase business
  • business purchase order
Limited Liability Comapany!

The title of my blog will more than likely be the title of my new business. When I went to godaddy.com I found that the name is available for purchase. However, when I googled the name, I found out that there is a small boutique in Sacramento CA with that same name without any online/social media presence. At the end of their name it is the LLC abbreviations. So my questions is, if I were to purchase the name from godaddy might there be a chance that I would have to drop it or possibly have a law suit filed against me.

SN: I will be speaking with a business professional, Public Relations and a lawyer before creating my business. Just wanted to get ideas jotted down and start planning now!

Thank You!

What does LLC mean in business ownership (please read)?

