
Is there financial assistance for schooling for a felon?

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Can a person that has a felony on her record get any kind of financial assistance for furthering her education, such as at a tech school, jr. college, etc.?

I am finding that there are limits for a young person that has had a felony conviction and I find it amazing that one is supposed to improve themselves, yet there are huge roadblocks!

I am wondering a concerned parent, as well as for a friend that has a child with a record. Jobs are limited, that are better paying, and we would like our kids to gain some confidence and make improvements in their lives!! It seems like a no-win situation.

Any suggestions??
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  • Oh ye, who have no faults or problems in their families seem pretty quick to cast stones! I am not EXPECTING my child, or any other, to get preferential treatment!

    If you were close to having any knowledge of what young people are faced with, when trying to get their lives back together, you would understand my question! MANY avenues that are open to non-felons are NOT available to those that have a record - whether it be recent, or 10 yrs. ago! The fact that person has been working and staying out of trouble and wants to improve says a lot for the individual.

    I am asking if someone that might have personal experience with a similar situation, has any positive answers! Do you not think that it is a circle, if there are no positive turns to take? By continually being beat down, how does one improve?

  • Is there financial assistance for schooling for a felon?

