
Will my CA unemployment eligibility be affecting by part time work?

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I work for a company that is going out of business at the end of December 2013. I work three days a week, but I believe I've made enough money per quarter and will apply for unemployment when I get laid off at the end of the year.

I am interviewing for a one day a week job starting in December. My plan is to report my earnings from the new, one day a week job to EDD and collect less money each week. Would my eligibility for EDD benefits be affected by this new, one day a week job that overlaps with the part time job I have now that is ending?

  • Additional Details
  • Regardless of the answer, if I am offered the job, I will take. I am just looking for a little information to know what to expect.

  • Will my CA unemployment eligibility be affecting by part time work?

