
Can I apply for Medi-Cal if I live with my father?

  • low income benefits
  • salary calulater
  • medical biller salary
  • capital income meaning
  • investing on a low income
  • military dependent scholarships
I make under 15k yearly but my dad does not. i do not know if i am considered a dependent. i was not last year but then my salary was cut by 40%. my mom said her friend told her since I make under 15k I can qualify for medi-cal but I think because i live with my dad and our combined income is more than 15k I will not. I am disabled but do not receive benefits and i don't know if that matters
  • Additional Details
  • i was added back to my dads insurance but the thing is he works for the same company as me so to screw us over they are taking half his paycheck for dependent coverage. His monthy payment is FOUR dollars for the full benefits plan. For a dependant they're charging almost 1k a month and this is in addition to them cutting my salary by 40% cancelling my benefits and cutting his salary by 30% the whole situation is really fcked up but anyway i believe my dad is correct that i cannot get medi-cal as a single because I am part of a household

  • Can I apply for Medi-Cal if I live with my father?

