
Dear recruiters, hiring managers,employers, why was I rejected?

  • online internet work
  • online work on internet
  • free job search
hi, I applied to many jobs and some internships on internet (all from internet) like crag. Unfortunately, I receive no email back or a call from any. So, I really think that I was rejected. I graduated and was international student. I applied to some training (required no or little experience) but I was still rejected. My gpa wasn't that bad like 2.8 or 3.2; it wasn't perfect like 4.00 or 3.9. I really wonder why those recruiters rejected me. Was it because of resume ?(I write my own resume with no one reviewing it for me. I just use patterns from internet)? Possibly, I do not have work experience? (only work once or twice)? I am taking any wrong step ?

If you have any answer, please help me. I really want to know why I was rejected. I am even willing to send my resume if you want to see if it is wrong in pattern or not. That way, I can improve myself and fix any mistake I made as I applied to jobs.

thank you for the help

Dear recruiters, hiring managers,employers, why was I rejected?

