
Has any ever been charged a weird pending amount from a gas station? I used a debit card and entered my pin.?

  • visa credit card
  • visa credit card offers
  • debit credit machine
  • house hold bank
  • normal mode analysis
I got $10.01 of gas and it said thank you for shopping at kangaroo. So the transaction ended. I went to the grocery store after and my card was declined when I knew I had money in that account. When I checked with the bank there is a pending charge for $88.79. I called the gas station and they said it is normal even with a debit card which I had never heard of. Anyways, why the weird amount and has anyone ever had a weird amount for a hold. I want to make sure she wasn't bsing me to get me off the phone. I've had holds for $50 and $100.00 but never weird amounts.

Has any ever been charged a weird pending amount from a gas station? I used a debit card and entered my pin.?

