
How do I begin building my credit if I have none?

  • business secured credit card
  • credit debit card machines
  • credit card approval
  • credit card loan
  • bad credit debt consolidation loan
  • credit card consolidation loan
  • accept credit card payment
  • credit online payment
  • credit card payment processing
  • build business credit
I am a college student and have a job at Macy's. I want to open credit at places like Best Buy or Wal Mart, but I have no other credit cards. Currently, I am still living with my parents. However, I do have a car and the bills I pay are for the internet, Time Warner, for my phone, and the gas and electric bills. I'm sure the last two have nothing to do with building credit.

So where do I start? I do work part time, so I have no big sums of money to put down to open a secured credit card. I am thinking about opening credit at La Curacao because they supposedly give credit to anyone, but I have heard very bad things about them.

How do I begin building my credit if I have none?

