
How does it work with pregnancy & switching insurance companies? HELP!?

  • insurance health
  • private health insurance plans
  • overseas health insurance
  • work insurance
  • insurance doctor
  • insurance for pregnancy
My husband is eligible for issuance at his new job December 23rd. I currently work full time & have my own insurance & our daughter on CHIP insurance (state insurance) because its so much cheaper. ($450 a month vs $75 a month). As of January 1st I will be cutting down to part time so the 3 of us can be on his insurance. (awesome health, eye & dental for under $20 a month) *I must cut down at work to be able to be on his issuance & to have our child on his insurance. stupid "birthday rule/spouse health care policy. Plus I would love to be home with our daughter vs letting day care raise her!!!! (crazy but we will save money me being part time)

BUT my question is....if I go on his insurance & find out I'm 4-6 weeks pregnant soon after being on it will they consider it a per existing condition OR as long as I don't go to the doctor before I'm on his insurance will it be OK?
  • Additional Details
  • **No one makes to much money for their child to be on "CHIP". Its affordable monthly insurance. I turn in my pay stub

  • How does it work with pregnancy & switching insurance companies? HELP!?

