
I have to leave the country. Family emergency. Please review my checklist in case I forgot something...?

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My mother traveled to another country to get a surgery done. Everything was fine, it was a routine surgery. But she got an infection and now she's in critical condition. Now I must go, so I booked a flight and will be there tomorrow. I don't know how long I'll be there. I have a check list of all the things I had to do here so I wouldn't leave anything pending. Can you please go over my checklist and let me know if I missed something?

My passport is good, not expired.

I paid my rent for December in advance.

I paid off my cell phone, electricity, and water.

Paid off my credit card.

I will inform the post office to hold my mail.

I don't have any other bills I can think of, no cable or trash.

I took out $2,000 in cash.

Ah yes, and I just remembered I have to return library books!

I'm not working at the moment so I can be gone as long as necessary.

Well that's it, I can't think of anything else. Of course I'm panicking a bit so I'm not thinking well. Could I have missed something?

I have to leave the country. Family emergency. Please review my checklist in case I forgot something...?

