
Is it too early for a 7 year old to have a bank account and key card?

  • international phone card
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  • us bank credit card processing
I presume by key card you mean the bank card that you put into ATM machines. I'm not from the U S. ;) I did a search and it's surprisingly difficult to find this information. I did see on Barclay's website that 11 year olds can have an account with the cash withdrawal card, but can't find any info for under this age.

I *think* under 11s can only have a Savings account. This doesn't have an ATM card. Once they reach 11 they can get a current account, which does include the card.

Suggest you phone the bank and ask them what options are available for children's accounts. Good luck.

Is it too early for a 7 year old to have a bank account and key card?

