
Is it worth it to spend all your money on travelling?

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I am in the Navy and I have saved up a lot of money since I joined. When I get out I realized I will have about $50,000. I joined the Navy to travel the world and I have been stuck in Texas for my entire 4 years(excluding boot camp and A-school) and have seen very little. Lately I have been thinking a lot about just blowing it all in a big trip around the world that will last hopefully at least a year of travel.

But I don't know if I should do the responsible thing and keep it saved up for a house or some other expenditure.

The Navy is going to be paying for my college so I will hopefully get a degree after.

I am also very good at saving money, which is why I have $50,000 after 4 years in the Navy, so this all seems kind of crazy to me. But I know if I don't do this now when I can then I will regret it.

What are your thoughts?

Is it worth it to spend all your money on travelling?

