
Quick question for you investors!?

  • retirement investment
  • retirement investment options
  • retirement fund calculator
I am 20, no debt, have $17,500 in my bank account, and a maxed out Roth IRA for 2013.

Within my Roth IRA, I own a Vanguard Target Retirement 2060 Fund.

My issue is this:

I am enlisting soon into the military where I plan on contributing right away to the Roth Thrift Savings Plan. The max is $17,500 which I know I won't be able to max along with maxing my IRA.

My question though, is what fund would I invest in? Would it make sense to invest into individual funds within the TSP or invest into a SECOND target date fund (would that be pointless)?

I plan to stay 4 years. When I get out I will roll it into the existing Roth IRA I have.

Quick question for you investors!?

