
So I've been scammed on Craigslist and wanted some advice.?

  • wire money online to bank account
  • send money online using bank account
  • discount personal checks
Lol ok so... Method of scam = overpayment method. I'm stupid for doing this but appearently I have become a victim of this not knowing it was a scam... I appearently now owe $2200. I was so absolutely sure it was legit but I fell so hard. But I am asking wouldn't the bank be at fault for clearing the check? I mean wtf Im willing to at least pay half but it was clearly a mistake on both of our hands they should have catched that the check was a fake. It's total b.s. I'm so annoyingly mad right now I'm pissed. Any one got any advice?

So I've been scammed on Craigslist and wanted some advice.?

