
What is the point of living?

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  • bankruptcy assistance
I'm going to be 46 in 2 days. Financially my life is in ruins. My wife is disabled and cannot work and doesn't draw disability yet. Still waiting for the appeals hearing. Most of my life I have never been able to save anything I make. I always seem to make just enough to be a week to a month behind in my bills. I'm tired of living paycheck to paycheck. The last three years have been the hardest. I have had to give up 2 vehicles move 3 times. Just this year alone since December we have faced eviction twice an possibly a third time if I can't come up with enough to pay rent. I want and need to file bankruptcy but I make to much to qualify for free or reduced assistance and I don't make enough to pay an attorney his rate. I could do payments but I'm already late on everything else, I don't need to add something else to be late on. Basically I'm tired of all the stress, the deadlines and feeling like I can't do enough. What's the point. I have prayed for help and relief but it never helps.

What is the point of living?

