
Why could required rate of return on foreign investments be lower than rr on domestic investments?

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Currency values, whether the home currency or the foreign currency, can either enhance or reduce the returns associated with foreign investments. Currency plays a significant role in investing

Fluctuations in the value of currencies can directly impact foreign investments, and these fluctuations affect the risks of investing in non-U.S. assets. Sometimes these risks work in your favor, other times they do not. For example, let's say your foreign investment portfolio generated a 12% rate of return last year, but your home currency lost 10% of its value. In this case, your net return will be enhanced when you convert your profits to U.S. dollars, since a declining dollar makes international investments more attractive. But the reverse is also true; if a foreign stock declines but the value of the home currency strengthens sufficiently, it further dampens the returns of the foreign position

Why could required rate of return on foreign investments be lower than rr on domestic investments?

