
Will giving money to my elderly mother create issues for her?

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My dad just died. My mom is alone, far away, elderly and on social security. I want to send her money every week. If I send it in a check and she deposits it into her bank account, will this create an issue for her, either with the IRS or with her social security? I don't want to do anything that's going to signal the fat-cat government entities to come and take money away from a poor widow so that they can... (well, I won't even get started; it wouldn't end well and my blood pressure would just spike). Simply put, can I help my mother without it hurting her?
  • Additional Details
  • Note: I also don't want to create a backlash that affects her social security.
  • I guess I don't know if she gets SS or SSI. Dad only died a few days ago and they were living off his SS. She never worked, so I don't know if it automatically converts to SSI or if she can continue receiving his SS. I suppose that does make a difference.

  • Will giving money to my elderly mother create issues for her?

