
Advice on crappy financial situation?

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Well.....basically i am so f*****g poor right now. I just dont know what options are available for me. I got laid off a few weeks ago so we are living on my o.h's wages which dont come close to covering the bills. I even went to the job center to see if i may be able to get some help but they told me i am not entitled to any help. Also its so close to christmas and i cant even afford to buy a tree! Or food or money for the gas and leccy so we are siting in the cold. Any ideas on what sort of places are hiring for this time of year. To top it all off i was an admin manager for a pension company and resorted to trying to get a job in mcdonalds and they turned me down!!!! Sorry this isnt so much of a question just a rant as its making me feel ill from worrying i just needed to let it all out
  • Additional Details
  • Right i was self employed and they gave me.no notice and no redundancy payment because i was not entitled to it due to being self employed. And the job center said i am not entitled to any money because my o.h works 40 hours a week so they told me he is entitled to provide for me. If you read my previous question my work place got rid of me after i was sexually assaulted at work. My boss was a scum bag who also sexually assaulted someone so he basically just told me im not needed there. So whats odd about my question?

  • Advice on crappy financial situation?

