
Can I get a job when I'm 16?

  • online school work
  • school work online
  • tire store
  • kalihi pet store
I'm currently 15 but turn 16 in about 5 months and I'm wondering if I can get a job at 16? I'll be in my 9th grade (freshman) year of school if that matters (I started school late BTW) but I'm extremely smart and taking honor classes and going to have 4 credits which is going to be transferred to my high school next year. Homework is really easy for me so having a job + school isn't that big of a deal for me. What jobs could I take? If it matters I want to become a doctor but I'm also good in hair so what are the choices of jobs? I live in USA, Fl if that matters.

Thanks! :)

Can I get a job when I'm 16?

