
Shoud I try to light a fire under Progressive?

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Back in June I was involved in a car wreck. It was my fault, nobody was hurt, but the police determined that I should go by ambulance to the hospital for extensive tests.

My auto policy with Progressive covers bodily injury to other people but not to me.

The ambulance and hospital alike initially tried to bill my auto insurance company for the bill, the ambulance company making the mistake of billing Allstate instead of Progressive. I updated both of them, and the hospital correctly billed my Anthem Blue health insurance. My deductible has been met, and Anthem payed the rest of the bill.

The ambulance company has contacted me a few times. I initially updated their information to the right auto insurance, not knowing whether Progressive would pay that bill. They did not. Then I sent in my Anthem information.

A good three weeks later, I received yet another bill from the ambulance saying that they had Progressive down as my insurance and haven't received any payment yet. Included in the letter was a statement that I should call my insurance company.

I called Anthem to get their advice. The agent I talked to put me on hold and contacted the ambulance company while I waited. The information I got back was that they had received my Anthem information but were still waiting for a definitive answer from Progressive as to whether they were going to pay anything.

It occurs to me that if they drag their feet on this it could go into next year. If it does, I'll be stuck paying the entire bill. $805 for a 5 mile ambulance ride.

If I explain this to Progressive, will they be sympathetic to me, their client, and move quicker on this? Or will they favor the insurance company?
  • Additional Details
  • Casey: It looks like I should have been a bit clearer. You are correct that I don't have any medical coverage for myself on my auto policy. They will pay nothing on this particular bill, that's not in question. We are all just waiting for them to officially state it; the ambulance won't bill Anthem until they do. The question, which others are saying "yes" to, is whether I should call Progressive and try to get them to do it quicker.
  • Third: It's funny that you would equate this mild criticism of how Progressive is handling this situation with trying to "slow Obama down." For the record, I do like the idea of a major corporation being more on the liberal side; however, this is not the first time I've had a problem with the slow way they respond to my claim. With little exception they end up taking good care of me, the waiting is the hardest part.

    But the context in which you say this is a statement about Democrats just going along with "whatever helps Obama" regardless? Seems to me that whenever there's a Democrat president, the Democrats in congress can't stop fighting with him (and each-other) long enough to get anything done. This is less true with Obama than it was with Clinton or Carter, but it's still going on. The Democratic Party should be prettymuch running things by now, but they're too busy attacking each-other to press any advantage against the Republicans.

  • Shoud I try to light a fire under Progressive?

