
Do i have to start paying bills/rent when i turn 18?

  • rent a truck to move
  • college information sites
  • online classes for college
  • online payment system
  • payment processing fees
  • rent a laptop
well right now im 16 about to turn 17 on december and i live in cleveland im a junior in highschool. my question for the day is do i have to start paying bills/rent when im 18 reason is because im moving to a house with my parents and brother and sister and my dad told me something about when im 18 i have to start paying and get a job and im wondering is do i really or do have to pay when i get my own home and family if so what do i have to pay when im 18 or do i just live a normal life and just pay for college and a have a job to pay for college but i do know i will help to pay for my college and maybe the dorms if decide to stay but do i have to start but do i have to pay for soemthign else or will iknow when i get a home and family

Do i have to start paying bills/rent when i turn 18?

