
Can my employer hold my absense against me?

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Here's the problem:

It's a "mandatory" meeting. I think this is why I was hired. I have a meeting on Monday morning and I simply cannot attend because I have one class.

I specified to my employer on my availability that I can never work monday mornings for this reason.

This is for black friday, so I fear that if I miss it, I could be retaliated against.

I called my manager to inform him I cannot work as specified by my schedule. He asked me why not in a half sarcastic tone, and I told him I had class.

There was an awkward pause and he said anything else? I asked him if everything was okay. He said well you just told me you can't come in.

I thanked him for his time and said bye but I fear I may be fired or mistreated at work when I come back.

Would this be within his rights if our agreement said that I cannot work Monday mornings?
  • Additional Details
  • Edit: I should clarify I am a NEW hire.
  • I don't understand why an employer can do whatever they want.

    Can't you get rid of anyone you don't like by giving them absurd hours? Isn't that discrimination?

    Example if someone says they cannot work wednesday and you dislike them, so you want to fire them but don't have a reason, you just give them work wednesday. And when they don't show up write them up.

    Isn't this abuse?

    Isn't there some sort of defense against this?

  • Can my employer hold my absense against me?

