
Do you have to be smart to be a trader?

  • stock market trading
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  • cheap stock trading
  • how to trade stock
  • stock trade
More specifically, VERY good at math? When I hear traders talking about trading strategies and seeing a few very complex-looking graphs, I begin doubting myself. I always start thinking that these guys have been trained by top professionals. Is this something the Average-Joe can pick p on if he's truly interested in? I'm interested, but whenever I hear the word "strategy", I immediately think that they're talking of a very complex chess-like strategy that you have to be some type of computer geek to pick up on. [I'm more interested in day trading]
  • Additional Details
  • I picture working with people at a desk at the organization (full time job)
  • L.E. Gant, I really appreciate your answer; it gave me hope that I can someday be a trader.

  • Do you have to be smart to be a trader?

