
How do i get maritime insurance to pay me for millage and meds?

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  • maritime injury lawyer
Got injured on 2010.I experienced a body stretch that caused multiple injuries to my joints and muscles from arm to feet.All this caused when a vehicle crashed my ladder .Started to fall down and my arm got locked with cables and hardware.This absolute stop prevented the fall and body went was pulled back up by arm.This action popped neck,shoulder,back and knees.Muscular pain still present.Just had surgery and had to pay for medications. Now the workers compensation insurance doesnt want to pay for gas nor meds. My attorney doesnt know whats the problem.What can i do to get my money back?Is my attorney letting me down?
  • Additional Details
  • Im happy to know that my case is part of the Jones act and not a maritime claim. The motor vehicle that crash in to my ladder is an eletric scizzor lift car that was giong reverse.

    And i have recieved millage and meds refund for the last 3 years, dont know the reazon why the company is trying to pressure me, knowing that i am broke. Im gonna have to junp on my attorney..

  • How do i get maritime insurance to pay me for millage and meds?

