
Is this a good financial plan? How long would it take to retire?

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My boyfriend and I are together and happy. We live togther. We both plan to marry and we have expressed the desire to retire early. We are 26 and 32. We have decided to get a head start, and we've decided to devote my full salary to retirement savings (30k NET), with a 401k, Roth, and personal investment. We will live on his salary only, while saving for a wedding too on his salary only. He makes 68k a year gross, which is doable, but in Chicago, is not the life of luxury for sure. We've tested it for a bit, and it's been working very well, we will just forego travel. He will have an additonal retirement account through work, which he contributes 500 a month. So total retirement savings 36k a year.

Now I am wondering about legal aspects of doing this before marriage. My beneficiary for my accounts will be my mother until marriage. AFTER marriage, I will change it to my then husband. Is this a good plan?

Second question: How long would you guess it would take to retire? We do want children, but not for about 6 years. After children, I would stay at home, so substantially less would be devoted to retirement savings. But at that point we would have over 200k invested. After that retirement savings would drop to his 500 a month savings ONLY. When I do go backt o work , I would prefer mot of my salary to be towards college savings
  • Additional Details
  • We live in a condo which is almost paid off. It has alow mortgage, but taxes are high. We plan on being here for quite a while

  • Is this a good financial plan? How long would it take to retire?

