
What will my FICO score be after 6 months?

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Here are some facts about me if it helps...

- I'm planning on getting a CapitalOne secured credit card and paying it off each month to build a credit history... not sure what percentage of my credit line I'm going to use though. But the default credit line is $200.

- The only debt I've ever had in my entire life was a $200 debt, which I paid in full shortly after finding out about it.

... and...

- Prior to my debt experience, I didn't have any credit history, nor did I have a credit score or FICO score... and from what a FICO representative told me, I still don't have a FICO score even after my debt experience.

Please help. What do you think my FICO score will be after 6 months? I'm new to all this credit stuff.
  • Additional Details
  • @Stephen Weinstien - But can you give me a number? Like 500, 600, or 700? Anything?
  • God I don't know who to choose for best answer.


    I'll flip coins.


  • What will my FICO score be after 6 months?

