
Will checking FICO score hurt credit?

  • secured student credit card
  • taking credit card payments
  • credit card 0 balance transfer
  • credit score and credit report
  • getting your credit score
I am about to apply for a student credit card so I can build my credit for the future (I will be responsible, I am good with money) and I was reading through the list of "perks" or terms, so to speak, and it says "Free FICO Credit Score on your monthly statement." Wouldn't that be bad onn my credit for them to pull my FICO score every single month?

Thank you all in advance!
  • Additional Details
  • I have already applied for this card in the past, well like 5 months ago, but the only reason I got denied was due to the fact that I didn't have a savings account (or at least that's what the declination report said). But I have since opened a savings account.

  • Will checking FICO score hurt credit?

