
Will I need to get a job next to my Trust?

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Hey, I want to live in Lower Manhattan, I can spend about $2.5m on an apartment and next to that I have a trust that (after tax) pays out $12.500/m (which is $150K/y)

So I am wondering, what will I have to pay to live in Lower Manhattan? No mortgage, but taxes, food (going out, buying lunch, going starbucks), drinks, going out, subwaycard, taking cabs? I don't want to live like maximum luxury, but some luxury.

So basically, can I do charity work because $12.500/m will be enough to cover my costs? Or will I need to get a job next to my trust to afford living in Lower Manhattan? (Please don't suggest moving to Brooklyn/Queens instead, I got my heart set on lower Manhattan) I don't want roommates, I got no kids, no girlfriend/wife but I want a 2 bedroom.

Thanks on forehand!

Will I need to get a job next to my Trust?

