
Do I have any legal rights in my situation?

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After living with my boyfriend for 8 years, ( been together for 11), we decided that living together was not working for us while his children still lived at home. (They do not like me and I couldn't have been a better mother figure). Since I have worked for his rental properties as manager, instead of receiving a paycheck, he bought me a house as payment. All the utilities are in my name and I pay them all each month. My name is not on the house. Each time he gets angry, he threatens to kick my 12 year old son and I out knowing that we could not afford anything on our own. He had taken care of us for all these years and I feel like he is holding this house over my head to get his way. I do work full time as well as working for his properties so it isn't like I don't work, it's just that we have this big oil and gas boom going on here now and homes are renting for 1,500.00 to 3,000.00 per month plus utilities and very few locals can afford to live. Do I have any legal rights since I am paying the utilities or am I up a creek without a paddle? I have tried asking local attorneys this question, but they say they have never dealt with this situation before and never get back to me. Any advice would be appreciated.
  • Additional Details
  • I have not received a w-2 as of yet, I have only been here 3 months. I have asked him to sign a lease that I drew up or put something in writing but he refuses to do so. As far as a relationship problem, yes there has been. That's why we came to this agreement to live separately and work on it this way. I am now choosing to end it, but he says I have to get out if we break up. I just do not think it is right that he can break his end of the agreement if I am still willing to work for him.
  • No, they don't have a mother in the picture. They are all over the age of 18, one a collage grad, and extremely spoiled and didn't want their father in a relationship. It's not really a situation that can be judged from an outsider until you have experienced it. I was just wondering about my whole living situation.

  • Do I have any legal rights in my situation?

