
Ethical question please?

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I dealt with a situation last night and unsure how to proceed. I work in a mall. In this mall is a dental office, tire shop and a wal-mart (among other stores) I work at customer service for the mall itself.

An employee of the dental office came over. She said there was an elderly man on an oxygen tank who had a flat tire in our parking lot. His wife was with him. She recently had hip replacement. She was wanting to know if we had a pump to pump his tire so he could get to a shop to replace the tire. We don't. I called both walmart and the tire shop and the one told me they had a 5 hour wait and couldnt help, WalMart told me if we could get his car over to that side of the lot they would be able to get him in for a new tire. Great. I ran and bought this man a bottle of fix a flat so he could get around the corner to walmart.

Went out, got the tire inflated enough so he could be on his way with the stuff I bought. When he found out what the plan was he tried to give me $20. I refused. After his tire was inflated and he was in the van he shook my hand and slipped me the $20!

I cant and dont want to keep it.

What I'd like to do it put it in the donation box of the play place (that's run by social services) I will be asking my manager, but want opinions if this sounds like a reasonable option to bring up first.

Ethical question please?

