
How will a minor collision (less than $500) affect insurance rates?

  • compare auto insurance rates
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  • lane debit card
I was involved in a minor collision merging onto the carpool lane (was going about 40 mph, the other driver was going about 85-90 mph). Driver failed to notice my signals or slow down. Only some minor damage to the driver door/wheel well.

Also, I currently have a permit.

I was wondering if this would transfer onto my Drivers License and approximately how will this affect my rates? & I'm 20 so not considered a "teen" driver, if that is of any help.

(I do know this is all relative to the insurance policies but I'd like an estimate).
  • Additional Details
  • Thank you for your input. I take accountability for my actions as the other driver did as well. Just was wondering the damage it would do to my rates and credibility. In time, I'll have it cleared up. If anything, was a definite lesson learned. Thank you.

  • How will a minor collision (less than $500) affect insurance rates?

