
Legal matter or bullying do I need a solicitor? I am so scared PLEASE READ?

  • high school class online
  • psychology graduate school
  • pharmacy school
  • virtual phone number
My mum got a phone call Saturday evening by a girl in my class at school I left in 06, hated school, badly bullied saying that this girl from my class had been getting messages on Facebook saying I was saying awful things about her son and saying I am her son's mum which couldn't happen because I don't use Facebook anymore as I find it to dangerous and can cause seriously problems. When my mum was on the phone to her I went down to see who was on the phone she was crying (of course worried), told me what happened and I was fuming as I don't use it anymore but she said she contacted the police and it was this girl from my class though she then said it was her mum, her sister and her friend though it was the same voice. The girl from my class also was saying that it was me as it was my email and my name though ANYONE can make a new email address and make a new Facebook account using my name of course I am furious, my parents believe me though when I heard I felt so sick knowing somebody could do this to me in the end I spoke to the girl from my class (knowing it wasn't her but a friend as I remember she has a very distinctive voice) saying I didnt even know you had a son, Mazel Tov by the way and that I can promise you that it wasnt me yes she was in my class but two seperate different friends she was friendly with the popular girls and the guys whilst I did sports and hanged out with mine the normal kinda dorky people so she said she reported me to the police and that they will be in contact.

What doesn't add up is 1. when I asked her to name one person from our class though we left 7 years ago she said it isn't relevant knowing I was bullied badly thinking it could be somebody playing a joke, 2. when I mentioned one person she repeated the name I said but sounded like she didn't even know who I was talking about, 3. when I asked her what police station she said it wasn't relevant again.

I ended up calling up the Rabbi from my Shul who was so lovely about it and agreed it didn't add up but then he put me in contact with a man who deals with ICT problems he said it didn't add up and his son suffered something very similar also my dads best friend said it doesn't either.

I have MANY medical problems including IBS so my stomachs been on edge all night I am so scared to go on my laptop and I know the IP address can be traced if the police does get in contact with me I want them to trace it from those comments and see if they add up which they won't then I will sue this girl and find out and make sure the person who did it gets dealt with by the police and apoligised by the girl I went to school with.

If this happens do I see a solicitor and what can be done about it? I thought something so petty Facebook would deal with not the policce I am upset, confused and so scared right now sorry its so long but PLEASE let me know your views
  • Additional Details
  • I do NOT have a Facebook account I did about a year ago but it was deleted I haven't been on it since and I think somebody could be using it I am not sure I did de activate it

  • Legal matter or bullying do I need a solicitor? I am so scared PLEASE READ?

