
Which job suites my passion?

  • viral film school
  • first prenatal visit
When ever I try to get advice for what job i should get people are always saying oh follow your passion. Well what job is there for a passion of blazing kush, constantly eating, and laying on your *** all day? I think that is such a stupid answer because how can some kid in high school have a passion for anything if all they do is go to high school. But seriously idk what job to get being a successful comedian is hard, so is working as a scientist and artist. Ff I was a cop i'd be a hypocrite, doctors and such in that field are nasty so are dentist. I just want an easy job that pays good and you don't have to spend 10 years just to get it. Any suggestions?
  • Additional Details
  • if* i was a cop

  • Which job suites my passion?

