
Could top 1% pay for all of the uninsured people in the U.S.?

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A friend recently said that one alternative solution to health care taxes would be to somehow "tax" the top 1% of wealthiest American's and corporations enough to the point of totally covering all of the U.S.'s uninsured citizens.

Not sure if this is something Maher or Stewart suggested, but I was curious and did very simple math. At 48 million uninsured (before ACA starts), multiplied by the average $6,800 per capita (person??) comes out to be something like $300 billion. A lot less than I thought, but obviously no corporation would ever want to take part in that big of a bill.

My question is, is my math actually right? Does my friend have a point, or is it permissible at best? Not sure what other factors are / aren't missing from the math.

Looking for an intelligent discussion on this one, thank you!
  • Additional Details
  • AGAIN, I'm looking for intelligent conversations involving math and numbers. Not rhetoric, I've already heard plenty of that. So far "A Hunch" is the only one to give a considerable answer.

  • Could top 1% pay for all of the uninsured people in the U.S.?

