
Do I get paid for a job trial?!?

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I went for a job interview then he asked me to do a trial for 1 day.

I did a 8hr shift 1--9 on Monday. Whilst working he then told me he was trialing 4 or 5 other people for the job. He ever mentioned at any point about me getting paid or not getting paid but I think I just sort of assumed he would.

Anyway he got back to me Friday and said I had not got the job.

Do ask for the £50 I earnt,

Do I chase up for pay up?

Is there a law on my side?

Is he trying to get free labour at other peoples expense??
  • Additional Details
  • Hi Betsy, yes, im in the UK. Okay I hear what you say.

  • Do I get paid for a job trial?!?

