
Employer Hiring Process?

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Id like to get a hiring managers opinion. I applied for my "dream job" just over a week ago. The position I applied for has been open for at least a month. I applied for the job and four days later I was notified by the company that two days later that they wanted to do a interview. Interview went well I thought, we talked for 30 minutes and I was asked to get them four things, including creating some mock examples of the work I would be conducting for this job. I had two days to complete all this, and I did just that. I was told that I would be contacted after the weekend as the company would spend the weekend reviving my work and others to decide who would move forward and who wouldn't. I have some people in the biz look at my work and give me feedback on my "examples" of work. I got nothing but good reviews. My question is should I feel comfortable about getting that call back that I am looking for?

Employer Hiring Process?

