
How to get historical prices of Gold?

  • stock prices online
  • stock market prices
  • online stock prices
  • stock price online
  • futures trading
Ive recently gotten the historical price of the S&P500 from yahoo dating back to 1950. I broke up this data to create 5 year charts(1950-1954,1955-1959,etc.) and now I want to do the same procedure with gold dating back to around 1950, so i can compare them.

Ive only seen etfs and stocks that track gold but these only go back to 1995 earliest. Is there a symbol that purely tracks the price if gold per ounce or something that would date back to 1950?
  • Additional Details
  • Thanks for the response but It really isn't what I'm looking for. Averages per year wont cut it. Im really looking for daily prices that goes back to 1950 or earlier for some company/fund that completely correlates to the price of gold. Ill even pay for the info.

  • How to get historical prices of Gold?

