
I feel like my water company is scamming me?

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My husband and I have been in this house for a little over 2 years. Our water usage started at 2000 gallons and it would fluctuate. Now, the water usage is at 5000 gallons EVERY SINGLE MONTH. It does not change. We have been using around the same amount of water so why has it gone way up? Well, I started to investigate. I then realized, I never see anyone on my property reading a meter. So I went on a search around my house looking for the meter which I can not find, neither can my husband. I then called the water company asking if they can show me where my meter is at and guess what they say? They want a service fee of $50 dollars in order for someone to come over and point to my meter. Are they insane? It is not in front of the house, behind it, on the side, or inside. They then state that a utility worker comes to our property once a month and reads the meter. I respond with "If that's true, why can't my meter be found? Why are y'all refusing to show me where my meter is at without a stupid fee? And I have never seen anyone over here since I have been in this house. And just to clarify, I work from the house (meaning I'm home alot) so I figured I would have seen someone." She then gets real defensive, keeps putting me on hold, then comes back to say "5000 gallons isn't even alot." Uh, yeah it is for 2 people that don't have kids and rarely have anyone over." So, obviously this phone call gets no where. My husband decided to go to the water company on one of his days off to speak in person. That got no where either. They just had the same conversation that I just typed. We are at loss of what to do? Do you think it's odd we can't find the meter and they want a fee to show us where it is at? Don't you think it's odd our water usage went from 2000 to 5000 and it stays the same every month? Don't you think it's odd they are making excuses and not wanting to help us with this issue? Don't you think it's odd they say a worker comes once a month to our property for a meter reading but we never see anyone? Advice would be greatly appreciated.
  • Additional Details
  • A detail I forgot to ad, we were told by someone that sometimes, when houses are close together (like ours), the meters will be grouped together in one spot on the street. But, we were told from the water company that the meter is placed ON OUR PROPERTY.
  • Our neighbor can't find their water meter either but they don't have an issue regarding amount of usage. Theirs is normal and it changes every month when my usage is ridiculous for 2 people and it stays the same every month.

  • I feel like my water company is scamming me?

