
On average, how long are people on JSA?

  • personal injury at work
  • government debt assistance
Are there areas of council who have people that overall are on JSA for a shorter space of time? is there any way to apply the council's methods who has the people on JSA for the shortest time to other councils?
  • Additional Details
  • The fact the money comes from central government isn't really my point, if it was, then I need to rearrange my words to get an answer. Are there any ways that.... essentially, high employment areas and their methods can be applied to low employment areas?
  • Margaret S clearly shows how much she doesn't know. She hasn't answered the bold time based question. Does anyone who works at Job Centres or DWP have any data to hand?
  • Margaret S made an excellent closing point about business expansion as seen as maximum output on a changeable scale of customers in new locations.

  • On average, how long are people on JSA?

