
What does annual deductible mean for health insurance?

  • purchasing health insurance
  • employer health insurance
  • health insurance in
  • medical insurance quotes
  • international medical insurance
  • medical insurance
  • care insurance term
  • tax deductible donations
  • first prenatal visit
I've never had health insurance before, parents deemed it unnecessary and now that I'm 18 I want to decide how to put my health on the line. (Never quite healthy, always had problems that parents never wanted to take to the doc)

I've looked up quotes on blue shield and I'm baffled by everything they offer. I see that the less I pay the more the deductible is. One offer I think was like 80 bucks a month with 30 percent coinsurance but the deductible was 5000 annually. Then I saw a 210 monthly payment and the deductible was 750. The coinsurance was 50 percent.

I'm very lost. I get the whole point the more you pay the less deductible you have. But how does one ever meet that deductible? Like do you HAVE to meet that deductible in one life saving office visit or else it gets "restarted" or can it accumulate over time through multiple less serious visits.

What does annual deductible mean for health insurance?

