
Why i can't find a job when students on a visa can?

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ok here is my problem. i'm an electrical engineer fresh graduate and i'm doing my masters right now. i'll be done with my masters in December. lately I've been frustrated as I've been looking for a job for 3 years with no luck. i live in El Paso TX, for you who don't know it's right at the boarders with mexico, what really gets me is almost all of the Mexicans who I went to school with got to work at El Paso electric. although i applied over and over i never heard from them. what really makes me mad is those people are on a student visa with no US citizen, green card, or even a work permit and they have no previous experience with Power engineer yet they get haired. i on the other hand have my masters in power Engineer and a US citizen and did internships in Electric companies. why and how do they get a job there when it makes more sense to hire a US citizen? one time i got an interview for an internship but they ended up hiring a girl i graduated with who does not have a green card nor any experience in power, that really put me down. could it be cause i'm from a middle eastern origins? they don't like my name or something?! and recently i found out that they hire a lot of students who are on student visa!!! that makes no sense cause it cause a lot of money to sponsor them!!

i'm thinking about complaining to someone but i don't know who or where?
  • Additional Details
  • i would get it if they pay them less but that's not the case here. they pay them from 60 K to 80K a year. i would understand if they are more knowledgeable than me but that's also not the case here. most of these people never had any experience in power, they don't even know what a 3 phase system is and they still get haired

  • Why i can't find a job when students on a visa can?

