
Why would an insurance company deny a claim for sink hole?

  • health insurance company
  • company car insurance
In the time we had 90 days of rain there were over 100 claims in our neighborhood. We all had major damage. Our house is the only one that got denied. We had 3 adjusters, 3 supervisors and everyone on the claim keeping changing. After they denied the claim they sent us a mediation that was to be held 21 days before the denial but we got it after. No one will give us an explaination and just get the runaround. Our house did not fall down into a hole and neither did the other houses. All of the claims that were approved have single woman and all got new kitchens and appliances. They got a lot of other improvements. All the same insurance. We are married and got denied. We pay high premiums here in Florida. Every claim we have had with them was denied and all these single woman are approved every time with lots less damage and yes the adjusters are male.The one adjuster said oh yes you do have the option wind damae coverage however we do not cover the water the wind blows in your house. We do not want to cancel this insurance because it is the only one left in Florida with sink hole coverage. Our governor got rid of sink hole coverage years ago but our house sill has it. My husband and I are very disabled so it is hard to fight a giant when you are sick. WHat do we do?

Why would an insurance company deny a claim for sink hole?

