
Would this be considered "Playing the market"?

  • company stock definition
  • make money in the stock market
  • making money on the stock market
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The other day my Science teacher was talking about how if you are working for a company and you make an invention, under most circumstances the invention would belong to the company. So then I started thinking about it and asked him 4 questions, 3 of which he answered. Then when I asked the final question he said he had no clue. I was wondering if I could get an answer because it seems like something that would apply to my life.


So you work for a company and you invent something great and useful and you believe that it is bound to help the company, but you want to make some easy money. You buy 20 or so shares in the company. THEN you show the company your invention the company uses it and your company's stocks go up and you decide to quit while you are ahead and cash in your stocks. If this was the case, would/could you be arrested for "Playing the market"?


Also, would it make a difference if you were to sabotage the company with a good invention with design flaws that you KNOW are there and then buy stocks while they are down then show them the good invention and stocks go up and then you cash them in?
  • Additional Details
  • (Edit) So If you do that and invest 1k and get 1.5k is it technically illegal? Or is it legal up to a certain amount of money?

  • Would this be considered "Playing the market"?

